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Journal Article
Agullo, E., L. Giraud, A. Guermouche, A. Haidar, J. Roman, and Y. Lee-Tin-Yien, MaPHyS or the Development of a Parallel Algebraic Domain Decomposition Solver in the Course of the Solstice Project,” Sparse Days 2010 Meeting at CERFACS, Toulouse, France, June 2010.
Agullo, E., L. Giraud, A. Guermouche, A. Haidar, and J. Roman, Parallel algebraic domain decomposition solver for the solution of augmented systems.,” Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, Ajaccio, Corsica, France, 12-15 April, 00 2011.
Giraud, L., J. Langou, and G.. Sylvand, On the Parallel Solution of Large Industrial Wave Propagation Problems,” Journal of Computational Acoustics (to appear), January 2005.  (1.08 MB)
Giraud, L., J. Langou, M. Rozložník, and J. van den Eshof, Rounding Error Analysis of the Classical Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process,” Numerische Mathematik, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 87-100, January 2005.  (157.48 KB)
Giraud, L., A. Haidar, and Y. Saad, Sparse approximations of the Schur complement for parallel algebraic hybrid solvers in 3D,” Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, vol. 3, no. 3, Beijing, Golbal Science Press, pp. 64-82, 00 2010.
Sourbier, F., A. Haidar, L. Giraud, H. Ben-Hadj-Ali, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, Three-dimensional parallel frequency-domain visco-acoustic wave modelling based on a hybrid direct/iterative solver.,” To appear in Geophysical Prospecting journal., 00 2011.  (1.04 MB)
Agullo, E., L. Giraud, A. Guermouche, A. Haidar, and J. Roman, Towards a Complexity Analysis of Sparse Hybrid Linear Solvers,” PARA 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2010.
Giraud, L., A. Haidar, and S. Pralet, Using multiple levels of parallelism to enhance the performance of domain decomposition solvers,” Parallel Computing, vol. 36, no. 5-6: Elsevier journals, pp. 285-296, 00 2010.  (418.57 KB)